
18 10 2007


First Meeting

8 10 2007

If u would like to be in FW (FROZENWARRIORS)  or u are already in it come to R ocky Road Dojo on October 09 2007 at 4:00 PST. I will give penguins ranks and stuff just come  in the FW  uniform thanks please come.

~waddle on~
~ Tuxedo Mac~

anigha lover chat room

8 10 2007

 Go Large!


7 10 2007


Iceyfeet here. Here is the Frozen Warriors uniform. Me and tuxedo picked it out. Hope you like it.

byr for now,

~ iceyfeet1234

Iceyfeet1234 Here!!

7 10 2007


Hi, this is iceyfeet1234, Ice Warriors leader. I am a new administer here. So, here is a advertisment for the Ice Warriors. Hope you like it.

bye for now,

~ iceyfeet1234

gpr vs acp

27 09 2007

hello, we are needing men to help acp in the war vs gpr. we know acp is a big army but they might lose
men so we will help. F or info aboutthe war go to acparmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com

fall fair.

25 09 2007

did u know 3 new items are coming friday i know 2 of them the lollipop and the ummm the candy necklace ok


fall fair.

25 09 2007

did u know 3 new items are coming friday i know 2 of them the lollipop and the ummm the candy necklace ok


fw chat box

25 09 2007

ive added a chatbox here just go to fw chat box and copy  that and paste it but dont copy or paste any thing else from my site

fall fair

23 09 2007

hello, the fall fair is a fun exciting way to get items play with friends and much much more it will be going through the weekend.To get items you must play carnival games and then get your prizes at the plaza.
